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Songtsam Lodge Bingzhongluo

Songtsam Lodge Nujiang Canyon

Songtsam’s Padma Pu’er Hotel

Songtsam Linka Retreat Shangri-La

Songtsam Lodge Lijiang

Songtsam Lodge Meili

Songtsam Lodge Cizhong

Songtsam Lodge Tacheng

Songtsam Lodge Benzilan

Songtsam Lodge Shangri-La

Songtsam Glamping Baiba

Songtsam Linka Retreat Lake Basong Tso

Songtsam Linka Retreat Lhasa

Songtsam Lodge Rumei

Songtsam Lodge Laigu

Songtsam Lodge Bome

Songtsam Lodge Namcha Barwa


Songtsam Lodge Bingzhongluo

Songtsam Lodge Nujiang Canyon

Songtsam’s Padma Pu’er Hotel

Songtsam Linka Retreat Shangri-La

Songtsam Lodge Lijiang

Songtsam Lodge Meili

Songtsam Lodge Cizhong

Songtsam Lodge Tacheng

Songtsam Lodge Benzilan

Songtsam Lodge Shangri-La

Songtsam Glamping Baiba

Songtsam Linka Retreat Lake Basong Tso

Songtsam Linka Retreat Lhasa

Songtsam Lodge Rumei

Songtsam Lodge Laigu

Songtsam Lodge Bome

Songtsam Lodge Namcha Barwa

Where would you like to stay?

Songtsam Lodge Bingzhongluo

Songtsam Lodge Nujiang Canyon

Songtsam’s Padma Pu’er Hotel

Songtsam Linka Retreat Shangri-La

Songtsam Lodge Lijiang

Songtsam Lodge Meili

Songtsam Lodge Cizhong

Songtsam Lodge Tacheng

Songtsam Lodge Benzilan

Songtsam Lodge Shangri-La

Songtsam Glamping Baiba

Songtsam Linka Retreat Lake Basong Tso

Songtsam Linka Retreat Lhasa

Songtsam Lodge Rumei

Songtsam Lodge Laigu

Songtsam Lodge Bome

Songtsam Lodge Namcha Barwa

The Yunnan to Tibet Tea Horse Road Expedition 11N/12D

“Exploring Three Parallel Rivers” 8N/9D

Tibetan Family Dinner

Tianbao Abujee Snow Mountain Hike

Yunnan Golden Monkey National Park

Tiger Leaping Gorge Visit

Tiger Leaping Gorge Hike

Wenfeng Temple & Wenbi Mountain Hike

Puji Temple

Outdoor Rock Climbing

Plant Magic

Tiger Leaping Gorge Visit

Tiger Leaping Gorge Hike

Hiking/Cycling Around Feilai Temple

Mingyong Glacier Hike

Baima Snow Mountain Hike

Tibetan Prayer Flag Printing

Nanjiluo Hike

Cizhong Catholic Church Visit

Outdoor Rock Climbing

Tofu Making Experience

Yunnan Golden Monkey National Park

Tibetan Family Dinner

Tianbao Abujee Snow Mountain Hike

Yunnan Golden Monkey National Park

Tiger Leaping Gorge Visit

Tiger Leaping Gorge Hike

“Lhasa” in Lhasa: Jokhang Temple and Barkhor Street

Mani Stone Painting

Jampa Buddha Puja Celebration

Gedong Festival

Gedong Festival

Shoton Festival “Yogurt Festival”

The Tibetan New Year (Losar)

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Songtsam_The Yunnan to Tibet Tea Horse Road Expedition_11N12D


Shangri-la Meili Markam Ranwu Bome Nyingchi Lhasa

From the center of the Three Parallel Rivers to the very highest mountain peaks,
the Songtsam Yunnan to Tibet route is designed for intrepid travellers to discover the region’s living heritage through comfort, authenticity, and an enlightened spirit of adventure. Extended across dramatic altitudes within the Tibetan plateau,
the area is home to a number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and the demographic contains Tibetans and most of the twenty-five ethnic monitories found in Yunnan province, many of who still follow ancient traditions and customs.

For centuries people have been fascinated with the idea of Shambhala,
a mythical kingdom and Buddhist pure land.
It is rumored to have inspired British author James Hilton who published the 1933 novel Lost Horizon in which Shambhala is called Shangri-La,
a paradise on Earth hidden in a Tibetan valley.

Where can you find Shangri-La?
In the places where Songtsam is located...



Songtsam Linka Retreat Shangri-La

Pick up from Diqing Shangri-La Airport and check into the hotel.
Welcome dinner at the hotel.
Relax to acclimatise to the altitude.


Songtsam Lodge Meili

After breakfast, visit Napa Lake and drive along the Yangtze River valley towards Benzilan (1.5-hour drive).
Stop off for lunch at Songtsam Lodge Benzilan.
In the afternoon, visit the 300-year-old Dongzhulin Monastery to learn about Tibetan Buddhism.
Continue onto Meili via Baima Snow Mountain (2-hour drive).
Arrive at Songtsam Lodge Meili in the late afternoon and visit a nearby local family to print traditional Tibetan prayer flags.
Dinner at the lodge.


Songtsam Lodge Rumei

After breakfast, drive to Meili Snow Mountain to hang up the prayer flags printed yesterday (40-minute drive).
Pass through snow-capped mountains and the Mekong River valley officially entering Tibet (2-hour drive).
Visit the 1000-year-old salt fields to learn about the history and process of ancient salt making.
Savor a bowl of Jiajia Noodles, a local specialty, for lunch before crossing the Hongla Mountain and Lawu Mountain in the afternoon (3.5-hour drive).
Dinner at the lodge.


Songtsam Lodge Rumei

After breakfast, visit Maiba Pasture (seasonal) to see the rich pasture land, yaks grazing, and the plateau pika (1-hour drive).
Lunch at the pasture.
Return to the lodge and relax in the afternoon.
Dinner at the lodge.


Songtsam Lodge Laigu

After breakfast, depart for Rawu (9-10 hours in total).
Reach the highest point of the journey at 5,130m over the Dongda Mountain Pass (2-hour drive).
Stop off for a picnic at the Bangda Grassland at noon (eat at a local restaurant in the winter).
In the afternoon, travel along the long and winding “Nu Jiang 72 Turns” (2-hour drive).
Continue to climb the 4,400m Anjiula Mountain Pass and arrive at Songtsam Lodge Laigu to experience the spectacular sunset on the terrace (2.5-hour drive).
Dinner at the hotel.


Songtsam Lodge Laigu

Experience the magnificent sunrise on the lodge’s terrace in the morning.
After breakfast, head to Duosong Tso (a holy and secret lake without any tourists) to witness the pristine forest, blue lake, and snow-capped mountains.
Return to the lodge for lunch.
Free leisurely time in the afternoon or if you are feeling active, visit the ancient blue Laigu Glacier on foot (30-minute drive).
Dinner at the hotel.


Songtsam Lodge Bome

After breakfast, drive to the mirror-like Rawu Lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains.
Drive along the Palong Tsangpo River and through dense forest to Songtsam Linka Bome (3-hour drive).
Have lunch at the hotel.
In the afternoon explore the tranquil and vast Guxiang Lake away from the town.
Dinner at the hotel.


Songtsam Lodge Bome

After breakfast, drive to Zhuxi Glacier and visit the 400-year-old ancient Pulong Temple.
Return to the hotel for lunch.
In the afternoon, take a leisurely hike to the Spruce Forest (1.5-hour trek).
Dinner at the hotel.


After breakfast, drive to Lulang via the Tongmai Bridge.
Stop off at the Artel Poly Hotel for lunch.
Hike into Zhaxigang Village situated at the foot of the Jialabailei Summit (1-2 hour trek).
Pass by Lulang’s immense forest to see the snow-capped mountains, meadows, cattle and sheep. Arrive at Nyingchi via the Nyingchi Sejila Mountain Pass.
Check in and have dinner at the hotel.


Songtsam Linka Retreat Lhasa

After breakfast, visit the Basong Tso holy lake and Tsozong Gongba Monastery located in the middle of the lake on Tashi Island (2-hour drive).
Stop off for lunch at a local restaurant in Bahe Town.
Follow the G318 highway to Lhasa (4-hour drive).
Check in and have dinner at the hotel.


Songtsam Linka Retreat Lhasa

After breakfast, visit Potala Palace, the iconic heart of Tibetan Buddhism and the highest palace in the world.
Return to the hotel for lunch.
In the afternoon, visit Jokhang Temple, the spiritual center of Tibet and the holiest destination for all Tibetan pilgrims.
Afterwards go to Barkhor Street to experience the most vibrant bazaar in Lhasa.
Enjoy a farewell dinner at the hotel.


Songtsam Linka Retreat Lhasa

After breakfast, transfer to Lhasa Gonggar Airport.


Tibetan Prayer Flag Printing

Local Tibetan family home, Tibetan life & culture

Zhuxi Glacier and Pulong Temple

Glacier, peach flower ditch, less tourists

Picnic at Maiba Pasture

Tibetan life on the pasture, yaks, plateau pika, Tibetan foxes


“Exploring Three Parallel Rivers” 8N/9D

Experience an exclusive circuit tour into the heart of the Hengduan Mountains in China's northwest Yunnan province
View Itinerary